Friday, September 6, 2013

New Character Sheets

Here is a small update I meant to do a while ago!
These are the new updated character sheets I've made for our four protagonists.
You will see that a few of the images have been kept from the first sheet, but I went ahead and re-designed all of the characters in a more complex manner.
I changed their bodies significantly while still trying to retain the basic idea of their body type from the first time around.  I think they look much better and I look forward to fleshing them out more in detail and color!  I will be doing updates on that as well and hopefully I can get them in some scenes of their natural environment as I think it would help inform the look and feel of our game.  Unfortunately, Justin has been quite busy with classes lately.  He took two programming classes at the same time this summer and he is taking plenty more this semester.  I hope we can still get some kind of playable stage working though by the end of this semester.  Stay tuned for more concept work though!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

GIF Updates!

I've spent most of this weekend researching how to make effective sprite animations.
I have always been fond of the traditional hand drawn animation techniques and I really hope i can give my sprite animations a more naturalistic movement.
So far things are looking pretty good!
It definitely feels very fulfilling to be able to continue working in a gestural manner digitally and making my character come to life.
This Friday is the last class day for Summer courses and I'm hoping to present Astra Fay's Walk-cycle, Run-cycle and jump via GIF format.
In terms of the game animations, I would need to make a character sheet with all the keyframed poses in the animations and hand that down to Justin who would actually just grab the individual images and insert them into the game and doesn't need full working animated files. (Apprantly this would be more difficult for the programers to deal with at least in terms of the 2D Side Scroller Game we have in mind).

Unfortunately I am still running into problems uploading my GIF files here.
But I WILL figure this out!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Animated GIF Update

I went back and finished the walk cycle, but now I'm testing out how it plays on here.
I changed some save settings and I hope that did the trick.
YAY!!!! It worked!!!
So exciting! Now off to work on my character animations! 

Animated GIF test run

Just testing out an animated gif I made of a walk cycle I plan to use for Astra Fay.
I want for him to walk around proudly and happy bobbing his head from side to side.
I especially feel like he can pull this off since his personality is vastly different from the other characters! 
Here is the first gif i made that has a 2 second delay for each frame.
And here is another one of the same only with a 1 second delay on each frame.

So it appears to me that something isn't really working right.
Maybe I saved the image sequence wrong since they are just being layered over each other and not necessarily appearing and disappearing in a sequential manner.
Although, when I open the original file saved to my desktop in a browser, it plays perfectly fine.  Hmm...
Guess I'll have to go do some research now to solve this issue.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Working on a website!

I'm so excited to begin working on my own website!
I think it's about time I got one of my own and luckily my boyfriend is a programmer!
He is actually not familiar with the code to make a website himself, but is quite interested to learn for future reference. After talking this over, he brought up 'Bootstrap' which is apparently what social websites like Twitter use.
I think we are going to try and use that, but in the meantime, I will continue working on my sprite animations, concept and re-sizing my art work/designing my webpage.

Beginning Sprite Animation

So I got in a huge discussion this weekend with my boyfriend over some logistics/details of our game.  I was very curious to see how my art would translate to a playable game.
Ultimately I have decided to go with a more clean vector based style for the over look of our game instead of the 16-bit pixel sprite art.
Because I am more comfortable working in a gestural manner, I figured this would be better.
Hopefully by the end of this concept art course I'm taking in school, I will have animations completed for all 4 characters in our game.
I was thinking of making an Idle, a walk, a run and a jump animation for each character, but I'm not sure I will be able to complete that for all of them given the time constraint, but I do intend to continue working on the animations even after the class is over as well as including attack and defense animations for each character.
After much discussion, we decided to animate the characters in a "nude" sense much like the concept art that I made shows.  Basically, no armor, no weapons, etc. because we would like to later layer those items over the basic "nude" animations and have them properly aligned.  The reason for having this approach to the character animations is because we would like to display the items/armor a player picks up in game and have them visible to the player (instead of designing them a certain way where you do not get to see those nice little changes and just having it implied, but not shown).
For practice and simplicity, I will begin the animation process with Astra Fay as he is the simplest of the characters and I have a few distinct animations in mind for him.
I plan to have less frames in his animation to give the illusion of speed to his character.  
Mr. Biggums on the other hand, will have more frames to really show the slowness of his stalky nature.
Also, we decided to keep our game as a 2D side-scroller instead of the "top-down" isometric view we had originally intended.
We want to make this available for up to 4 players, but in order to do so, we also decided to have a 4-way split screen in which each character can go anywhere within a given map, but will eventually all have to come together to protect the item/people in a central point. 
(After all this is a tower defense game).
Doing a 4 way split screen gives each player the opportunity to explore the area map and not be overwhelmed by the fixed camera that typically stays on a certain area on a screen where all characters are seen at the same time.  We want to also make it so that doors and windows to other sections of the map can be explored, and someone can open a door and be fighting aliens in a different room, but they can be seen through the windows of another players screen if they are standing around the windows of the previous room outside of the one where the player just came from.  We think this will add a nice effect and depth to the play area in the game while still keeping it 2D.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Re-Working Bodies

I decided to go back and re-visit the body structure and design of the 4 characters I am developing.  Personally I would like to expand and flesh them out more in various angles for class presentation and to add those pieces to my portfolio, but in terms of in-game art, they may appear very different.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

Re-Designing a Character

So the other day, I was working on Chintor's concepts (one of the characters in the game) at a 24 hour coffee shop with a friend which happens to be the same friend that gave my character that name.  He looked over my shoulder as I took a break and sipped on some coffee to get me through the night as I worked frantically this weekend to piece these concept sheets for a class presentation.  To my surprise, he laughed and called the protruding chin a 'chinsicle'.  That comment really stuck with me and I thought more about the functionality of Chintor's chin.  The more I stared at it, the more I thought about how useless it was and it appeared to be more ornate and bothersome than helpful.
I then thought about what it would be like if I were in Chintor's shoes and how I would move and talk and express myself having a chin like he did.  I then realized that if he were to yell, or speak or move his head a certain direction/way the chin would in fact stab his chest.  I thought about the animations for this character and I saw how it could be difficult/ limiting due to his anatomy, so I decided to revisit the concept and make changes on that part of his face.  I think this looks better overall and the chin is not so distracting like it was before.  I think it makes more sense anatomically as well (although I'm not an expert in alien anatomy).
This realization in terms of design made me extremely happy.  I was able to re-think an idea and go back to visit old sketches and re-work them because:



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Character Re-designing

So on the previous post I made, I displayed the first protagonist designs I have come up with for this video game idea.
I have since then, gone back and revisited these first character sketches and have expanded on them with a more detailed style.
I am currently make many changes stylistically so that they all sync up and look like they would belong in the same game world.
By going back and fleshing them out more, I noticed that, maybe this style is a bit too complex for the simplistic vision we had in mind from the start.
My boyfriend prefers the more pixel style of sprite art and would love to see that in our game.
I agree completely with him on this as I feel that to try and make a game with just the two of us, it would be very time efficient.  Also, I'm not entirely sure we have what it take to make a 3D modeled type game.
Overall, I think these new complex character sheets will serve as a great addition to my portfolio, but in terms of in-game art, we will most likely go back to the more simplistic renditions of these characters.  I really enjoy this kind of exploration and find myself completely engulfed by the thought of character development lately.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Preliminary Character Designs

Here is the first batch of protagonist character designs 
that people will be able to select from.
This is the first time I have ever attempted to make alien type creatures.
I was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone when
 I had to make these characters, but I feel like it worked out quite well.
I am still working on further defining the characters
 and I am thinking of doing away with the colored versions for now.
I will explore ways to go about doing that in the near future as I have yet to master that.
For now, I will introduce you to Astra fay, Chintor, Mr. Biggums and Speepy.
(My good friends Jerome and Alex decided to name them.) 

Monday, July 1, 2013


  • Weapons
    • Flame Throwers -??
    • Huge Swords 
      • Deals a huge amount of damage, but takes a while to execute the hit
    •  Daggers
      • Quick but smaller amount of damage
  • Game Details
    • Blood, guts and gore, but with super cute characters
      • May add shock value depending on how it's executed
    • Characters have pets! 
      • Pets can help them with a variety of skill based resources
    •  Leveling up must be included
      • Ties into acquiring new skills

Player Options - Characters

  • Character Customization
    • People playing the game can play how they want.
      • Choose a class
        • Skills specific to the charcters
          • the kind of alien race you choose will give you specific abilities as well.
            • EX. Big Bulky characters can better wield bigger weapons
            • POSSIBLE EXTRA - include 1 or 2 modifications to your weapon
              • Similar to a dungeon crawler where you can collect items and weapons and improve

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Art Direction

  • 2D Sprite Art
    • Vector Based Art
      • Easy to re-size and work with, but may not be the final choice in terms of sprite style 
      • Cleaner/less pixel looking 
    • 16-Bit / 8-Bit
      •  There is a certain charm about this kind of sprite art that is very nice and works well with various games that we believe can work really well for our game idea.
      • It's very nostalgic for certain people and so this visual appeal attracts that kind of crowd.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Theme & Story Overview

  • Theme
    • Space Age
      • Aliens with technology  (possibly mixed with humans)
  • Story
    • Setting
      • You are a defense contractor
        • A hero for hire 
          • People pay you to protect them
          • Security guard for a high volume of people/groups of people/beings
        • Solo - mercenary or work for company
        • Multiplayer mode - team/group for hire

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Even More Game Design Contd.

  • Views (How to view the world)
    • No Top-Down view
    • Maybe an angled top world view?
    • Or a side scroller
      • if side scroller, we may limit ourselves in gameplay 
  • Players
    • We want to make this a multiplayer computer game
      • One person on the keyboard, and up to 3 players on Xbox remotes
        • This allows interaction between players, but a very comfortable experience for the individuals as they have full control of their character when handed a remote.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Even More Game Design Info!

  • Resource Management
    • Health (HP)
    • Magic (MP)
      • to keep characters from being overpowered in terms of magic, we discussed several ways to limit magic.
        • An excellent example of this is how Riot Games implemented "cool down periods" in their ever so popular game League of Legends.  League itself is a real time game, but magic is restricted by these "cool down periods" where you can't use powerful magic after you've used it in game within a certain time range after it has been used.  The more magic you use during game, the longer the "cool down periods" become.  This is a great way to keep a nice balance in a game.
    • Money
      • to buy more resources/items
      • restricted to wallet size, etc.
        • you reach a certain limit and you can no longer carry any more.    (We decided to include this because we realized that there are several games that mange this quite well such as The Legend of Zelda where you are allowed to carry only up to 500 Rupees at a time, which makes it more realistic and balanced, because you are always striving to fill up that amount when you make a big expenditure.  A really bad example of money management would be Assassin's Creed 3 where Connor, the protagonist, collects lots of money and continues to do so throughout the game. He apparently is supposed to carry that amount on him in theory, but I myself when playing have collected so much money that I can easily acquire anything I want in the game.  In that sense, I know I don't have to worry about the financial end of the game, but at the same time it becomes almost too easy to upgrade and be very overpowered.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Game Design Contd.

  • Tower Defense Game
    • Where you are defending yourself / protecting yourself (or a group of people) from something
    • Not entirely defense. Attack is still included when enemies infiltrate an area.
      • Ex.  Dungeon Defenders 
        • Set up traps and defense, then attack enemies when they try to take over

Monday, June 10, 2013

Game Design


So, this is the first official post for my blog.
Here I will be collecting resources and eventually demonstrating the process of my work from game design thoughts for a potential video game I will be creating with my boyfriend(Justin H. Nguyen), to character concepts, environment concepts, digital work in progress and ultimately final designs.

A little introduction about Justin!
He is a Junior CS student at The University of Texas at Austin.
Before this last semester ended, we discussed about the possibility of creating a small scale video game.  He has an interest in practicing his programming skills in terms of gaming and as an art student, I have an interest in focusing more on concept art.
So what better way to spend our summer, than enjoying each others company making a game.

Stay tuned!