Sunday, August 11, 2013

GIF Updates!

I've spent most of this weekend researching how to make effective sprite animations.
I have always been fond of the traditional hand drawn animation techniques and I really hope i can give my sprite animations a more naturalistic movement.
So far things are looking pretty good!
It definitely feels very fulfilling to be able to continue working in a gestural manner digitally and making my character come to life.
This Friday is the last class day for Summer courses and I'm hoping to present Astra Fay's Walk-cycle, Run-cycle and jump via GIF format.
In terms of the game animations, I would need to make a character sheet with all the keyframed poses in the animations and hand that down to Justin who would actually just grab the individual images and insert them into the game and doesn't need full working animated files. (Apprantly this would be more difficult for the programers to deal with at least in terms of the 2D Side Scroller Game we have in mind).

Unfortunately I am still running into problems uploading my GIF files here.
But I WILL figure this out!